IESL gives its Inputs to the Proposed
Ammendments to the SLIA Act
Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA) recently proposed to make several amendments to the Act of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects. Upon the receipt of the proposed draft, The Ministry of Rural Housing & Construction and Building Materials Industries made a request from the related professional associations in the construction industry to give their comment on the proposed amendments. Being a key stakeholder, The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka also received this request from the said ministry.
Request letter from State Ministry of Rural Housing & Construction and Building Materials Industries >>
Letter 01 as a pdf (Date 2020/12/23)
After studying the content in detail while agreeing to a few amendments, IESL has expressed its objection against some of the new clauses introduced in the proposed act since those may create an unhealthy imbalance in the construction industry. IESL has a clear response to the Ministry on its stance.
Response letter sent by IESL to the Ministry on the proposed amendments to the SLIA Act>>
Letter 02 as a pdf (2021/01/26)
IESL received a letter in return from the State Ministry of Rural Housing & Construction and Building Materials Industries acknowledging the comments submitted by IESL on the amendments to the SLIA Act.
Acknowledgment letter from the Minstry to IESL>>
Letter 03 as a pdf (2021/02/10)
In order to discuss further the proposed amendments to SLIA Act with the stakeholders, the State Ministry invited the parties in concern including IESL for a meeting.
Letter received from the State Ministry of Rural Housing & Construction and Building Materials Industries inviting for a discussion>>
Letter 04 (2021/02/22)
IESL members participated in that meeting and convince the Ministry officials headed by the Additional Secretary (Technical) about the possible repercussions of the amended clauses on the local construction industry. The President of SLIA agreed to reconsider the clauses accordingly.
Minutes of the discussion held at the State Ministry of Rural Housing & Construction and Building Materials Industries>>
Date : 2021/02/15
IESL will continue to take leadership in similar circumstances in the future too on behalf of the engineering profession and also to safeguard the broader national interest.